As a Spiritual MidWife, Christy “Jo” can assist you in discovering your “Divine Nature” and How to “Live from Your Best Life Now.”
What separates Christy “Jo” services from other Coaches, Therapists (and alike) is, SHE ONLY WORKS within the HOLISTIC MODEL. Meaning the “SPIRIT MIND BODY CONNECTION!”
Most people are becoming aware of the Mind/Body Connection, but in TRUTH, we are mufti-dimensional beings, meaning, we are “Spirit and Mind and Body,” this is Our Divine Nature. We are spirit beings, having a human experience.
As a Spiritual MidWife she takes a Holistic approach toward her clients (the whole person). Neglecting one aspect of the person, is in effect, neglecting them all.
A Spiritual Coaching Session is a partnership between two equals. Christy “Jo” relationship with her clients is based on her belief that we have everything within us that is needed for personal growth and self-healing.
As a result, each client will:
- Discover who they are,
- Identify and clarify what they desire most,
- Expand the awareness of their thoughts, feelings, and actions and begin to align them to what they desire,
- Create and develop strategies, action plans, and environments to help them achieve their goals.
Best of all, the sessions pay for themselves through self-empowerment, more loving relationships, joy, purpose, and abundant life.
Absolute Alignment with Your Own Source Energy
means that You KNOW the following…Abraham Hicks Material
- You are Free
- You are Powerful
- You are Good
- You are Love
- You are Worthy
- All is Well
Not sure where to start or what’s holding you back?
Contact Christy “Jo” Today…