How To Lose 10 Pounds Naturally
Why it’s so much harder to keep the weight off now than ever before
How to use the effects of water to help you lose pounds
The 2 most important concepts for losing weight and keeping it off
Why drinking plenty of water is so important
Which popular fruits will fill you up without adding too many calories. Not all fruits are created equal
Which drinks you should stay away from – it’s not just soda pop
What not to do with your vegetables before you eat them
Why fiber is so important and why you need to eat more of it
Which vegetables to avoid and which vegetables to savor
What vegetable you should be eating every day
How to control your sweet tooth
Which fruit juices are acceptable and which are not
Which butters are preferred when trying to lose weight
The truth about canned fruit
Why setting meal times and sticking to them is so important
Why skipping meals can actually make you fall a step behind when trying to lose weight
How many times a day you should be eating
Why eating diversely can help you stick to your diet and keep you from getting sick
The best time to eat breakfast and why
The truth about carbohydrates in your diet
The importance of protein in your daily eating plan
That you do not need to cut out fats
What a non-stick frying pan can do for your weight loss plan
The benefits of fresh parsley
Why you should chew your food 8-12 times before swallowing
Two advantages to exercising outdoors
3 everyday secrets to help you burn calories while at work or play
How to fight the urge to become a couch potato
How to use stairs to your advantage
What meats are preferable when trying to lose weight
How punching your pillow can help you lose weight
What to do with high tech gadgets such as remotes and cell phones to help you burn calories.
Why body massages can be a great tool for losing weight
How good posture can help you burn more calories each day
The value of high fiber multigrain breads
How you can use the concept of “grazing” to actually eat more meals a day and still lose weight
Why smoking can negatively effect your weight loss plan
What TV commercials are good for
What role salt has in obesity
2 great stress relieving and calorie burning activities that you will always have time for
When “cheat food” is acceptable
And more . . .

Self-Hypnosis Package
Self-Hypnosis; is a naturally occurring state of mind which can be defined as a heightened state of focused concentration (trance), with the willingness to follow simple or complex instructions.
Audio package list,
Amazing Learning
Play Time: 14 minutes – 46 seconds
Format: mp3
Attracting Wealth
Play Time: 14 minutes – 54 seconds
Format: mp3
Being Confindent
Play Time: 16 minutes – 50 seconds
Format: mp3
Dreams Come True
Play Time: 16 minutes – 14 seconds
Format: mp3
Quit Smoking
Play Time: 16 minutes – 36 seconds
Format: mp3
Staying Relaxed
Play Time: 17 minutes – 12 seconds
Format: mp3
Total Relaxation
Play Time: 18 minutes – 18 seconds
Format: mp3
True Love
Play Time: 14 minutes – 04 seconds
Format: mp3
Weight Loss
Play Time: 18 minutes – 30 seconds
Format: mp3
Dreams Come True
33 Pages To Compliment The mp3
Format: PDF – Word Doc – OpenOffice
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