Surrender To Your Greater Good…Tools for positive change
Spiritual Practices
There are three primary spiritual practices advocated by Science of Mind teaching and the Centers for Spiritual Living: affirmative prayer, meditation, and visioning. Practicing these three tools on a daily basis has resulted in profound changes in the lives of numerous readers and community members.
Affirmative Prayer, Meditation, Visioning
There are many tools we can use to make positive changes in our lives. Christy “Jo” uses affirmative prayer, meditation, and a visioning process in her counseling sessions. She has spent the last thirty-plus years learning the Philosophies of New Thought, Science Of Mind material, Unity principles, and the Metaphysical Sciences, stepping stones, on her path to becoming an Ordained New Thought Minister.
Affirmative Prayer
Science of Mind uses a five-step affirmative prayer called spiritual mind treatment. The five steps are:
- Recognition—know that God is all there is.
- Unification—know that you are one with God. It is not God (and) I, but God (as) me.
- Declaration—state your word for the circumstance you want to manifest.
- Thanksgiving—give thanks for your word being acted upon by the Law of mind.
- Release—“And so it is!”
There is no beseeching to or urge to compel an outside entity in spiritual mind treatment. As Ernest Holmes states in The Science of Mind: Effective mental treatment is propelled by a consciousness of love and a realization that the Creative spirit is always at work….Treatment should be given in a calm, expectant manner and with a deep inner conviction of its reality, without any fear or any sense that the human mind must make it effective. The work is effective because the Law is always in operation.
Meditation In The Science of Mind:
The recognition of the Father within, the certainty of our Oneness with the Whole, the immediate availability of the Power and Wisdom resulting from this Oneness. Such communion with God brings harmony into our lives and affairs, establishes the law of health and prosperity, and makes us a light to all who cross our pathway.
Many methods of meditation exist, such as chanting, following the breath, using a mantra, contemplation, and listening to the silence. The results are often similar for those who practice meditation regularly: deeper inner peace, greater clarity, and a more profound connection to the unity of all life.
Visioning – We Set our highest intention and anchor everything we do in Divine vision and visioning.
Visioning involves going within, either alone or in a group, and listening for the highest outcome for any activity, organization, project, or union. Visioning can include a guided meditation where the facilitator asks questions such as, “What is the highest unfolding for [this project, organization, etc.]?” “What do I need to release to bring this vision into manifestation?” “What do I need to embrace?” Then participants can journal all that comes to them—words, images, ideas—during the meditation and share the answers with others. It’s amazing to see how frequently a number of participants have coinciding visions.
Not sure where to start or what’s holding you back?
Contact Christy “Jo” Today…