Save Your Marriage

If you are having trouble in your marriage, you are not alone! Sometimes feeling as if you are the only person in the entire world who is encountering problems makes it even worse, you may feel as if you have no one and nowhere to turn, or that you have no choice but to simply leave everything as it is and hope that it will somehow get better on its own.

Marital problems will not miraculously vanish by themselves, but you are not alone, and your situation is not hopeless!

People everywhere have problems, some exactly like the ones you are facing.  Many people, however, have no idea as to what to do.  They make the mistake of asking for or accepting advice from well-meaning friends or family members who are not qualified or experienced to assist in finding solutions;  or they read piles of “popular” books, most of which only make matters worse;  or they may go into counseling for what seems to be a minor problem, and get no practical help or results.  Some people believe they have no choice but to suffer and allow their marriage to fall apart.

Fortunately, you do not need to make any of these mistakes! You can get practical help and advice, in normal easy-to-understand language, and learn how to put this advice into constructive action!

There are a number of very important reasons why this book is for you…

Save Your Marriage And Develop A Lifelong Love! will give you the answers that you need!

It’s free of “pop” jargon, and does not take a “psychological” slant to the issues. You will read about problems and learn about solutions in basic, average language which is meant for an average married adult– just like you!

Focuses on resolving problems, rather than the “modern” slant of placing blame. This book is not about pointing out who is in the wrong or who has made mistakes– it is about resolving what is negative in your marriage and building on what is positive!

Does not focus on one specific area, but covers the scope of problems which are universal to marriages everywhere. It also takes into consideration that you and your spouse are individuals, and encourages you to approach each topic from an individual viewpoint.

You will find a wealth of valuable information in this one small book!  It is, without a doubt, the one book you need!  Whether you have been married for a short period of time, or a number of decades;  whether you have been facing serious difficulties or merely wish to improve your marriage, this book is for you!

What else makes it different and better?

In addition to all of the points which I have just told you about, a very important and very unique factor in SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE  is that it will show you how to look at “the big picture”!  Your marriage did not begin yesterday,  nor did the problems which you are now encountering, nor did the little fleeting moments of happiness which you are occasionally experiencing!

This book is unique because it will guide you through the stages of your marriage, from the ideals and strengths which you can recall from your early days, through revitalizing your dreams and goals for the future!

Helpful information in chapters such as:

1) To Find the Solution, First See the Problem

In this chapter, you will be guided through the process of recognizing the problems which you are encountering before attempting a solution.  You will see that when many people make the mistake of avoiding this task, they do not get the great results which you can expect when you are aware of its importance!

2) Dealing With Differences

No matter how long you have been married, learning how to deal effectively with differences between yourself and your spouse is one of the “basics” in having a good marriage. This chapter will show you the two best methods of tackling those differences so they do not become heated arguments or painful confrontations!

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Self-Hypnosis Package

Self-Hypnosis; is a naturally occurring state of mind which can be defined as a heightened state of focused concentration (trance), with the willingness to follow simple or complex instructions.

Audio package list,

Amazing Learning
Play Time: 14 minutes – 46 seconds
Format: mp3

Attracting Wealth
Play Time: 14 minutes – 54 seconds
Format: mp3

Being Confindent
Play Time: 16 minutes – 50 seconds
Format: mp3

Dreams Come True
Play Time: 16 minutes – 14 seconds
Format: mp3

Quit Smoking
Play Time: 16 minutes – 36 seconds
Format: mp3

Staying Relaxed
Play Time: 17 minutes – 12 seconds
Format: mp3

Total Relaxation
Play Time: 18 minutes – 18 seconds
Format: mp3

True Love
Play Time: 14 minutes – 04 seconds
Format: mp3

Weight Loss
Play Time: 18 minutes – 30 seconds
Format: mp3

Dreams Come True
33 Pages To Compliment The mp3
Format: PDF – Word Doc – OpenOffice
Loads Of Graphics & Sales Page Template

not rated Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $7.00. Add to cart
Sleep Well
Sleep Well, A Natural Remedy Guide

Discover How to Get Rid of Your Sleep Problems Naturally … So You Can Start Getting the Deep, Restful Sleep You Need!

You’re About to Discover Natural Techniques You Can Use to Fall Asleep Faster, Sleep Through the Night & Wake Up Feeling Rested & Refreshed!

If you are currently having difficulty sleeping, then this is definitely the most important letter you will read today!

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Stress Management

Stress is a misdemeanor waiting to happen. Stress will wear heavy on your nerves when it builds up, causing you to feel depressed. You may start to develop unnatural health issues that seem to have no justifiable cause for its development. This can lead to problems, which is why you want a guide to thriving on stress. You can avoid many problems by taking action instead of letting stress get you down.

How can I learn to be stress free?
In order to be stress free you have to work at it, it will not come to you over night. It takes time to train your brain to deal with stress. Stress is very bad for you so if you can learn to be stress free you will be better off in the long ran. There are many ways to train you brain to get rid of the stress.

What are some of the things I can do to train my brain to be stress free?
You have to decide what you may want to try first and see what will work for you.
Some people may like to read, which is good for you to be lose in times with a good book. Others like to just walk or even work out. Working out is a good way to get rid of stress so if your stressed you are doing something healthy for your body.

Stressors in Stress Management

Stressors are something that causes us to feel stressed. We get stressors build up from activities, experiences, or any situation that may cause stress. When we do not have sufficient foodstuff, water, or when we feel overworked, it causes stress to increase.

To learn how to manage stress, we must learn how to cope and reduce stressors. However, some of these stressors are encouraging. When you join in activities for example, you often have fun. Still, stress mounts. Therefore, after enjoying activities the best way to thrive on this positive stress is to relax. Relaxation comes from reclining and enjoying something that brings you happiness. For instance, you may relax by watching a healthy program on television, read a book, or just simply recline.

When you take time to relax you, reduce stress by lessening up the stressors. On the other hand, when you are stressed from lack of foodstuff, this is unhealthy stress. You have the willpower to take control however by accumulating resources. Instead of letting the stress wear you down, take action. Call resources in your area to see if you have options in getting foodstuff to feed your family. Family community centers, welfare programs and other resources can offer you link to managing your problem. This will help you reduce stress by slacking up on stressors.

You can also ask for help from family members, friends, etc when you do not have enough foodstuffs. Perhaps someone will lend you a hand until you receive your next check. Learn to rely on you however, rather than others. Start to think of ways to make extra income so that you and your family can survive. Perhaps you can reconsider your current job. If you do not get enough wages, think of your skills to find out what job you can apply for to increase your income.

Perhaps something in your past is haunting you. These stressors, you can minimize by taking action to conquer your ghosts. Learn to meditate and relax often. The strategies you learn will help you to bring your mind in harmony, which will reduce stress. Learn to accept what you cannot change. If you have emotional responses often because of some experiences in your past, practice some helpful therapeutic techniques to take control.

Try self-talk. Use this is a guide to Stress Management by refocusing on what you need to do to accomplish your goals.

Some other stressors include bills, work, family, relationships, kids, school, etc. Consider each stressor when you are stress management to accomplish blossoming into a new you.

If you stress bills, perhaps you can set up a budget that fits your income. If your problem emerges from your relationship, then maybe you need to review what changes you can make to make your relationship better. You cannot change someone else, but you can take steps to change you. Rather, you can change other people by making necessary changes to reform your conduct, which will encourage the ones you love also change their behaviors.

When you are stressing over children, learn to discover what your child needs to make him or her happy. Happy kids often bring you great rewards. Sometimes you just have to take time out to spend with your children to help them develop healthy behavior patterns to make your life easier.

If you are working, attending classes and sweating family and bills then learn some time management schemes to help you readapt to a new, healthier way of managing your tasks. Handle the larger tasks first, avoid procrastination, and seek support to thrive on stress and to control your life.

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Stress Soothers
Stress Soothers

Free Your Mind And Achieve Peace

Discover How To Live In Peace And Harmony In A World Full Of Uncertainty And Dramatically Improve Your Quality Of Life Today!

Finally You Can Fully Equip Yourself With These “Must Have” Tools For Achieving Peace And Calmness And Live A Life Of Comfort That You Deserve!

In this world full of uncertainty – Wars, economic crises, killing, rape and robbery, it’s difficult for one to lead a calm and peaceful life. Sometimes, the unnervingness of it all can lead to disease and complications which harm our health.

And once get caught up in such situations, it’s hard to improve our health situation or worse, the disease can progress or worsen.

But here’s the good news:

Stress can be reduced with the right tools and techniques!

Introducing… Stress Soothers

Here’s an overview of this ultimate guide to achieving peace and calmness:

– With this guide, you’ll be equipped with the most powerful tools and strategies to helping you reduce stress.

– You will also be exposed to plenty of highly effective methods for identifying triggers and preventing them.

– You’ll also get tons of extra information on your conditions and how you can deal with them in a variety of ways to achieve peace and calmness in stress using natural methods.


Table of Contents
Chapter 1: What is Stress?
Chapter 2: The Different Types of Stress
Chapter 3: Factors that Lead to Stress
Chapter 4: The Effects of Stress
Chapter 5: How to Abolish Stress
Chapter 6: How to Avoid Stress
Wrapping Up

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The Anxiety Antidote

Discover How To Live In Peace And Harmony In A World Full Of Uncertainty And Dramatically Improve Your Quality Of Life Today!

Finally You Can Fully Equip Yourself With These “Must Have” Tools For Achieving Peace And Calmness And Live A Life Of Comfort That You Deserve!

In this world full of uncertainty – Wars, economic crisises, killing, rape and robbery, it’s difficult for one to lead a calm and peaceful life. Sometimes, the unnervingness of it all can lead to disease and complications which harm our health.

And once get caught up in such situations, it’s hard to improve our health situation or worse, the disease can progress or worsen.

But here’s the good news:

ANXIETY is something that CAN be cured! You just need to have the right tools and strategies for breaking it!

Introducing… The Anxiety Antidote

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Allowing And Surrender
The Art Of Allowing And Surrender

“Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Letting Go!”

This Book Is One Of The Most Valuable Resources In The World When It Comes To Living In Harmony With Who You Really Are!

When do you need to say that you have to let go and surrender? It is true that human’s life is unpredictable. No one knows what will happen in the near future.  As a director of your own life, you have to know when to give up and when to fight. But, it is easier said than done. Like others, it is hard for you to face the reality

Introducing ….. The Art of Allowing and Surrender …….

This powerful tool will provide you with everything you need to know to be a success and achieve your goal of getting your life in control to a successful place.

With this product, and it’s great information on surrender it will walk you, step by step, through the exact process we developed to help people get all the info they need to be a success.

Who Can Use This Book?
– Entrepreneurs
– Internet marketers
– Network marketers
– Life Coaches
– Personal Development Enthusiasts
– Self Improvement Bloggers
– Web Publishers
– Writers and Content Creators
– And Many More!

In This Book, You Will Learn:
– Figuring Out What You Truly Value
– Figuring Out What You Need To Surrender To
– How Allowing and Surrender Works
– Getting in the Right Mindset
– And so much more!

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The Importance Of Environment In Wealth Creation

Wealthy people have this so called millionaire’s personal mindset, a way of thinking that separates the achievers and successful individuals from the rest of the population. Your subconscious is much powerful than the conscious mind. This can either help you fulfill your dreams or hold you from success that you want in your life.

But why do we lack the money? Is it all because we lack the desire, opportunities, knowledge, luck or effort? The difference usually is on having the millionaire’s personal mindset.

There’s a wide disconnect between ability and action in the world that we live in. There are millions of individuals out there who are capable of doing something. They may even have the right academic qualifications and some may even have an experience. But then these individuals aren’t putting their talents to the right use.

Think about someone who can teach excellently, but doesn’t put that talent to use. This teacher is instead doing a desk job because according to him or her that’s a safer bet. Now, the desk job can only take the person so far as he or she doesn’t really like doing that stuff. However, if this individual had taken the bigger step of going ahead and teaching – overcoming any limitations in the way, like stage fright – it’s highly possible that he or she would be much better financially stable and empowered today.

You might be facing these struggles:

– Understanding financial empowerment
– Knowing how to manage your money
– How to identify business opportunities
– Teaching all these things to someone else
– Many more horrors

Well don’t worry !

With these strategies that I’m about to share with you, you will have no problems when it comes to achieving the Millionaire Mindset!

Introducing … “The Importance Of Environment In Wealth Creation”

In these books, you will learn all about:

. Financial Empowerment and Your Environment!
. How to Identify Business Opportunities and Make the Most of Them!
. Internet Marketing Personal Development!
. The Internet Empire Focusing on the Big Picture!
. And Much MORE!

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Law Of Attraction
The Law Of Attraction And Your Wealth

With the release of The Secret followed by the outstanding response it has garnered, a lot of people are speaking about the Law of Attraction. The problem is that not half of these people know what they are talking about.

The Law of Attraction is not an enchantment or a potion that will wish all your problems away. There are things that need to be done if you want to experience its richness in your life.

This eBook specifically deals with the implementation of the Law of Attraction in gathering money, but really it is about all its various applications that can help in improving your life.

Sit back, free up your mind from all its clutter, and have a good read.

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The Millionaire’s Financial Turning Point

Becoming a millionaire is for the most part a matter of mental attitude. If you’re determined to become one, you will. In this book, I prepare you for this shift by contrasting the attitudes of “millionaires” with “normal individuals.”

This isn’t to say that all millionaires have the correct mental attitude, and all ordinary individuals don’t. I’m merely utilizing millionaires and ordinary individuals as symbols for how active, prospering individuals think. Its differences in mental attitude, not makes of autos or brands of shoes. This isn’t about social snobbishness. If you would like to be a millionaire, think like one.

You don’t need the auto or the shoes, but you do require the mentality. Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover the secrets that increase your wealth everyday!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in their business and overall life? It’s because they don’t know that millionaires understand what they want.

Ordinary individuals don’t get what they want because they don’t understand what they want. Describe the ideal situation you would like in 12 months’ time, keeping the description at an achievable economical level.

People who struggle in business and life will find these things in common:

– They don’t know what they want.
– They have no idea how to be dedicated.
– They are struggling with thinking big.
– They also don’t understand how to be a leader!
– Many more problems untold

Well don’t worry !

With the strategies that I’m about to let you in on , you will have no problems when it comes to learning the truth behind growing your wealth!

Introducing … “The Millionaire’s Financial Turning Point”

In these books, you will learn all about:

. Know What You Want
. Be Dedicated
. Think Big
. Be A Leader
. Know The Wealth Rules
. Much MORE!

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The Path To Positive Thinking

Finally, The Ultimate Guide To Changing Your Life Forever… Get Your Hands On The Ultimate Guide For Live Improvement Through The Art Of Positive Thinking And Let It’s Magic Change Your Life Forever! Discover How Ordinary People Can Live Extraordinary … Read More

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The Wealthy Mindset

Discover 77 Wealth Secrets To Make You Richer In All Areas of Your Life !


After Reading This Book, You’ll Have The Knowledge And Inspiration To Start Living A Wealthy Life !


Here’s what you’ll discover in this guide:


– 77 valuable wealth secrets to make you rich.

– It all starts with your mindset. Here are tips to reprogram your mind. The rich think differently. The rich have a difference approach to life. You’ll discover what makes the difference between the poor and the rich.

– How to manage your wealth by setting specific goals that are more achievable to do. If you have no plan of action, you’re planning for failure. Here’s how to set your goals.

– How to create multiple streams of income so that you’re not putting it all in one basket.

– How to invest your money the smart way.

– Investment secrets to make you rich.

– Where should your money be invested ? Here are some tips.

– Tips on how to make more money right now.

– And much, much more!

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